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Aging panel but almost ready to sell...advice please

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Active Member
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
I "co-operate" a 1971 Cherokee 140 with my dad. The panel was just so-so when we purchased it but a few things have gone downhill since then in the past year. In short.....I have my PPL but am planning on going for IFR rating. My dad may possibly go for his PPL so we will plan to keep the plane right now for that purpose. However we are needing something a little bigger than a 140 so plans are to sell in the next year or two (probably two at this rate!!)

I attached a pic of the panel (biggest size it would allow me to attach), and a few things are obviously a "drag" on it, if you can see it. Namely the Narco self-contained VOR receivers, and an aging mechanical audio panel. Neither of the Nav receivers have been tested recently (I plan to test at a VOT sometime here), but Nav 2 is def way off and recently the nylon freq. gear in Nav 1 is stripped, at one place in one direction, so that's not much good anymore.

I got a quote from a dependable local avionics shop, and this is what they would have done at the time which was several months ago:

-Put a GTN650 where the Aera is now, and move the Aera to the co-pilot's side, connecting it to the 650; Install a new VOR receiver for the 650

-Install a GMA340 audio panel

-Get rid of the old COM 2 and move the operable COM 1 to it's location

-Move the "was-good-at-one-point" Nav1 to the Nav 2 position; trash the Nav 2 receiver

and a few other "minor" things.

If you were going to keep this plane no more than another year or two would you put almost 20k into the panel? I know for the most part you won't get near that back out of it when selling. I am willing to wait on another plane to start IFR training. Or to resell would you get a new indicator and just another Nav/Com (i.e. KX155....)to get by, or just let it altogether? So many variables, I would appreciate any input. The quote I received would be a good solid IFR platform but again, since then the Nav 1 has the gear issue now.

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