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Accidental 406 MHz ELT activation

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
When the phone rang just before noon, I ran and just missed it, but I knew there'd be trouble when I saw that the caller ID was "JRCC Trenton" (CFB Trenton is a major RCAF base that also coordinates S&R for much of Canada).

I called the shop first (where my plane is just finishing its annual) and asked them to check that my 406MHz ELT wasn't transmitting; they confirmed that it wasn't, but also mentioned that it had just been reinstalled in the plane shortly before, after being removed for testing (and new battery?) by a third party. Then I called back the duty officer at the JRCC and explained the situation (he was already trying to call me again, too).

The officer was nice, and said he was just glad I was OK. I was impressed with how fast and thorough the response was for the accidental ELT activation—no regrets about paying to install the 406MHz unit in 2011, even though Transport Canada eventually backed down from their plan to require them.


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