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41st Simsbury Fly-In, Car Show and Food Truck Festival

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
It's time again (thankfully)

41st Simsbury Fly-In, Car Show and Food Truck Festival

Simsbury Airport 4B9 in north-central Connecticut

Sept. 25 Food Trucks ONLY (9AM to 5PM)

Sept 26 Full Fly-In, Car Show, and Food Trucks (8AM to 5PM) .

The largest Fly-In in the Northeastern USA, plus a huge car show, and a major food truck festival, all in one great event. Lots of family activities, live music, judging and trophies, aerial demos, judging and trophies, free seminars, new airplane and car dealers, and amazing things to eat. No admission fee but donations gratefully accepted. Car parking $10 to benefit Boy Scouts. Handicapped facilities. Pets on leashes welcome, and we provide watering stations. FAA arrival procedures in effect. For full details please see www.simsburyflyin.com Contact Bill Thomas at [email protected].

Hope you can join us!

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