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Simsbury Airport (4B9), CT "Fly In" events on August 15-16 and September 26-27

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2016
Reaction score
Due to the Covid-19 situation, and to follow our Governor’s executive orders, we are revising this year’s planned Simsbury Fly-In, Car Show, and Food Truck Festival.

We are pleased to tell you that we will be holding a series of alternate events at Simsbury Airport that will provide a safe and fun activity for you and your family to enjoy. On four separate dates, August 15-16 and September 26-27, we will sponsor an exciting Food Truck Festival at Simsbury Airport. And on Sept. 26-27 (only!), we will add an informal Fly-In. There will be no aircraft judging or car show, just an opportunity to display your airplane, relax with friends, and grab some outstanding food.

All food truck service will be on a drive-by basis. Pilots will be provided rides in golf carts to the food service area. Menus will be distributed, orders will be taken, and food delivered while you remain in your cart. You are welcome to bring blankets or folding chairs to set up near your aircraft. Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing.

There is no advance registration.

We are located at 94 Wolcott Rd., Simsbury, CT 06070. If you drive to the show, there will be plenty of space for vehicles on the airport, so we expect little or no traffic congestion on the nearby roads.

Questions? Please contact Bill Thomas at “[email protected]

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