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1979 Piper PA-38 Tomahawk

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Jul 13, 2017
Reaction score
Wings of Hope is putting up another aircraft for Sale/Auction.

The website listing:


I have included some information and pics. For more information, please visit the website.

Pics can be viewed at:

Current Auction price is $10,000 with a BUY ME NOW price of $14,000.

I am not paid for posting this, its for a good cause.

Manufactured by: Piper
Year Manufactured: 1979
Aircraft Model: Tomahawk PA-38-112
Serial Number: 38-79A08572
Total Airframe (Logbook) Time Since New: 6,734 Hrs.
Tach Time: 3,443 Hrs.
Date Last Annual Completed: 11/2016

Type/Model: 0-235-L2C
Serial Number: L-12853
Manufactured By: Lycoming
Engine Total Time: 3,443 hrs.
SMOH: 1,002 Hrs.
HP: 115 HP
TBO: 2,000 Hrs.

Additional Equipment Installed/Information
TT in Service – 6915.6 per entries 10-oct-2014
TT in service 5816 per entries 23-Oct-2015
Recording tach times and TT in service are inconsistent
Airframe logs missing from 21-jan-1998 thru 19-nov-2004
Major Damage history 10-July-2008; Right wing, Fuselage frame assembly under seats
Major Damage history 16-Apr-1981; left wing tip, rear attach area
Color Exterior Paint:
White/Maroon Accents / nice paint

Color Interior Paint:

Weight and Balance Data*
Basic Empty Weight: 1128 lbs
Max Seat Capacity: 2
Useful Load: 542 lbs

Total Fuel Capacity: 32 Gallons – 30 Gallons Usable

The log books are available online

piper Tomahawk PA-38.jpg

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