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Work has taken over my airplane doin's

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2015
Reaction score
I should have just kept it as it was, and flown it.
I've got it apart, new seat tracks drilled and ready to install, "new" (to the airplane) radios wired up, and bench tested, ready to install. And now I gotta work 7 days a week for the next month or two.
There's a ton of stuff that I need to be doing but work has taken over. Two jobs going at once, and both customers wanting it done day before yesterday. And gotta get this airplane together, and painted by spring, so I can take it to Dad.
Back in the old days when I used to work 9-5, would have been no worries.
But now I work 5-9 so there's no time after work to do anything. Dad sez "no rush", But I want to get it done, and go fly.

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