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Wing tip strike (who put that building there?)

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Mar 22, 2019
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My small flying club has a very nice 1967 PA28-140 with only about 2200 TT. One of our members (no, not me) just struck the left wing tip on the corner of a hanger. It was loud enough to bring attendants running, but the damage to the tip is not too visually alarming. Anyhow, although not yet flown again, it's been called airworthy with the belief that the wing root attachment is "robust". However, I've been looking at overall construction and from earlier posts on this forum it looks not to be that easy. I saw a picture where the forward attachment tab was broken. In that string, it was mentioned that one can push the wing forward and back to check for play. However, I think the spirit of that comment may have been for when no "incident" had occurred. Also, if the attachment is simply cracked a bit, but not broken, I doubt one would feel play. I suppose this is impossible to say (it would depend on lots of variables) but does anybody have experience with how much of an impact is bad enough to warrant this concern, and how hard is it to inspect for damage? Can it be seen with the wing in place?



  • PA28 left wing damage.JPEG
    PA28 left wing damage.JPEG
    700 KB

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