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Windshield trim screws

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Greg S

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
OK. So the screws that hold on the windshield trim piece in on the bottom front outside edge of the windshield are pretty grungy looking.
I was thinking of replacing them with new ones. What do they screw into? In the parts manual, it shows a nutplate, but as I start to loosen them, it feels as though whatever is on the backside it about to fall off if I remove the screw. I can't see where behind the inst. panel the nutplates (or whatever's there) are located. I started taking out one screw and find out it's not threaded into anything. Anyone have a clue on this? The windshields have been replaced at some point, so I'm thinking that who did the job must have been working for Helen Keller Aero.

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