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Whelen strobes and westac probes and gauges for sale

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Junior Member
Sep 12, 2016
Reaction score
I have a bunch of parts for sale. I bought a project plane and the fella that was building it purchased a lot of stuff to finish that I wont be using . All items are new in box unless noted below. Please message me for pictures of specific items and I can send through email. My location is Alberta Canada, priced in USD for the bulk of the membership. Shipping is on the buyer.

-Whelen Strobe control supply box A413AHDA-CF-14/28 - $325 New but not in box

-Whelen Strobe control supply box A413AHDA-CF-14/28 - $325 New but not in box

-AeroControlex heated pitot tube- PH502-12CR $1700

-Whelen Strobe Beacon Dome , A450 $250

-Whelen Strobe Beacon Dome , A450 $250

- Whelen Nav Strobe Green Tip – A650-PG-14v $325

-Whelen Nav Strobe Red tip light – A650-PR-14v -$325

-Whelen Vertical Fin Strobe – A470A-W - $175

-Assorted Westac gauges and senders for EGT and CHT, OP, OT, 6 position switches etc. Email me for details on this stuff.

Thanks for looking

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