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Whelan position lights

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I installed landing, taxi, strobe and position LED lights in December 2014; from Whelan. So far I generally love them. However, I just did a preflight on a 17.5 hour round trip cross country and noticed something odd. If you look at the detail of the bulb in a position light, there are like seven very tiny (think 3mm by 3mm) squares that light up either red or green. What I noted is that on my green light, only four of those little squares were lighting up. And that light was not nearly as bright as the red. And it didn't seem to be just the number of squares impacting the brightness but also the squares which were lit didn't seem as bright either.

A couple questions from the forum wizards:

1) Has this ever happened to you? If so, did it self resolve or did you replace the light?

2) If you replace a Whelan light, the overall unit has both a strobe and a position light. Do you have to replace the whole combination with glass covers, housing bracket, and the bulb/little LED lighting up squares or can you just replace that bulb part of the units?

3) Do you normally look for a retailer who carries Whelan or do you order directly from the manufacturer?

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