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Weirdness with Lightspeed Sierra on pilot jacks

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Mar 5, 2017
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I usually fly with a Bose A20, but being curious I decided to try out my wife's Lightspeed Sierra. I have noticed two things that I are specific to the Lightspeed Sierra hooked up to the pilot jacks.

1) There is a high-pitched electrical sound in the background at all times.

2) On takeoff, I picked up a radio station (either AM or FM) for which I could hear a commercial running faintly in the background. That eventually went away when I got a few hundred feet above pattern altitude.

This only happens with the Lightspeed Sierra hooked up to the pilot jack. It does not happen with the Bose A20 nor my old AvComm. It also does not happen with the Lightspeed Sierra hooked up to the co-pilot or passenger jacks.

I guess the easy answer is to just not use the Lightspeed Sierra on the pilot side, but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what may be going on here.

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