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Weight & Balance Spreadsheet for '82 Fixed Gear Saratoga

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New Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Hi Folks. Very happy to be here on the site. I'll take delivery of a low time '82 Saratoga FG (normally aspirated) in about 4 weeks. I bought it a couple of months ago and have been in the process of putting in a factory overhauled engine, new interior and new avionics. In the end, it will have an Aspen Pro, 530W, 330 transponder, 696 panel mounted, JPI EDM 730, and old King #2 nav and com. It has 1685 total time, heated hangared since its birth, very clean.

I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a convenient weight and balance spread sheet? (I know that all the information I provided above about the plane is not relevant to the W&B request -- I'm just so excited that I needed to share . . .) Many thanks. Gary O.

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