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Weight & Balance Calculation

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Senior Member
Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
KMTV - Martinsville, VA
Is there a way that I can make this work without putting him in the back seat?

Friend of mine has asked several times to go flying with me. He understands the whole weight and balance thing. He weights 320 lbs, I fly a Cherokee 140. Normal W&B with no fuel with him in the front seat doesn't work.

With him in the back seat, I can get it to work with 3+ hours of fuel. I am trying to see if I can get something to work out with him in the front, so...

The front co-pilot seat will slide back until it stops at the main spar. I'm wondering, if the seat is all the way aft, could I calculate a percentage of his weight as a rear passenger? Say, something like a 60/40 split and see what those calculate to be.

I could actually push the seat all the way back and then measure the distance from "0" and calculate the actual CG. Just trying to throw out some possibilities and see what conclusions I come back with.

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