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For Sale WAT G3 LED Landing Light Rebate Program (Mar 20-Apr 30)

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Jul 9, 2018
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Greetings Piper Owners,

I am excited to announce the Whelen Aerospace Technologies (WAT) G3 LED landing and taxi light rebate program. This program provides you a cash incentive to trade in older legacy LED landing and taxi lights for the WAT G3 LED landing and taxi lights in the PAR-36 and PAR-46 sizes. Rebates range from $50 on a PAR-36 size lamp (with the exception of Aero-Lites, which are $30) to $70 on a PAR-46 size lamp, as specified in the program details. The G3 is the best lamp on the market and it really outperforms some of these older LED landing and taxi lights you may have installed on your aircraft. It is a worthy upgrade and this really sweetens that value. The G3 PAR-36 comes in landing light version (spot light) and a flood light version (flood light), and I sell it for $299. The G3 PAR-46 version comes only as a landing light and I sell it for $399. Program details are attached and a link to my website is below. In a nutshell, buy them from Gallagher Aviation, complete and send in the rebate form along with your old lights, and get your cash rebate. This program runs from March 20, 2023 through April 30, 2023.

LED Landing, Taxi, and Recognition Lights <-- Link to website
[email protected] <-- Email me
1-833-425-5288 <-- Call me




  • WAT_Trade-In_Trade-Up_WebL.pdf
    747 KB

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