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For Sale Gallagher Aviation Black Friday Specials!

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Jul 9, 2018
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Greetings Piper owners! I am happy to announce that Gallagher Aviation and Whelen Aerospace Technologies will be having Black Friday specials on all LED landing and taxi lights. The 10% off promotion runs from 11/25 to 12/2 and applies to the new G3 LED landing and taxi, Parmetheus Plus LED landing and taxi, and Parmetheus Pro LED landing lights in the PAR-36 (4.5" diameter) and PAR-46 (5.75" diameter sizes). The website is ready to go and I will be able to answer questions after today (Thanksgiving). Have a great holiday!

Prices are automatically updated on my website and you can see them here: Whelen Aircraft Lighting

Email: [email protected]
Call me: 1-833-425-5288

G3 LED and Taxi (PAR-36) - $269.10


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