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Want WAAS GPS but attached to my KLN-94

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Mar 5, 2017
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I have a KLN-94 and a Stratus ESG 1090. I want in/out and WAAS, so I am trying to convince myself to get the GNX-375. However, I cannot bring myself to like the interface (I have flown this unit in real life a few years ago when I was part of a flying club, and I have played with the simulator a bit); in fact, sometimes I loathe it. On the iPad simulators, I find the IFD 440 to be much more to my liking (and reminiscent of the things I like the most about my current non-WAAS KLN-94 GPS) because it allows me to get to my procedures in less button-presses than the GTN and overlays the arrivals on the map to boot. I can see myself loading an approach barely looking at the screen by memorizing where buttons and menus are on the Avidyne just like I currently enjoy on my old KLN-94. However, I cannot ignore the advantage of the GNX-375 in that it is a two-in-one box that can help mitigate installation costs, and I am trying to be as efficient as possible with my AMUs. I suppose that I am seeking happy GTN-650/175/375 users to tell me that they were initially skeptical about the user interface but are completely happy now. I just look at my panel now, and while it is getting dated, it is very functional for my needs. I just want that ADSB-in and WAAS to initiate the beginning of a larger project over the next couple of years. I just look at my handy KLN-94, and I know that I'm going to be disappointed spending a lot of money to upgrade to something that leaves me less satisfied from a user interface perspective. I realize that there are always learning curves, but objectivelythe Garmin just takes more steps to perform common tasks.

For now, I am committed to replacing my KMA-20 with either a PS-Engineering 200a (with built-in com1) or a GMA-350c (thinking that Telligence would help mitigate my dislike with the GTN user interface). Perhaps the answer for me is to just upgrade the audio panel and wait to see if Avidyne comes up with a unit that competes directly with the GNX-375. I would have nothing to lose but time, and I am not really in a hurry.

(Just in case anyone is wondering why I am abandoning the Stratus, as per their company email to me, there is no hope that their unit will ever talk to built in avionics (like displaying traffic to an Aspen or even sending aural alerts to an audio panel. The Stratus was installed by the previous owner. Had it been me, I would have probably gone with a GTX in/out.)

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