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V Speeds for a PA28-235 C

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Oct 15, 2022
Reaction score
Las Vegas
So I'm trying to put together sheet of V speeds for my soon to arrive 235. The "Owners Handbook" is rather lacking in some of the detail found in later POH's. Nevertheless, I've manages to put together these numbers, which are for max weight unless indicated otherwise. There are a few missing numbers and I hope the community can help me fill in the blanks:

V Speeds PA-28-235 Pathfinder
Vr - Rotate60-65 MPH
Vx - Best Angle90 MPH
Vy - Best Rate100 MPH
Vfe - Flaps Ext115 MPH
Vno - Max Cruise164 MPH
Va - Max Wt138 MPH
Va - Min Wt???
Vne - Never Exceed197 MPH
Vs - Stall Clean70 MPH
Vso - Stall Dirty60 MPH
Vg - Best Glide95 MPH
Enroute Climb115 MPH
Max X-Wind19.5 MPH
Short Final70?

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