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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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Could you clarify this a bit? I'm assuming they're already legal for IFR as gyro replacements, are you saying the HSI function will be legal as a stand-alone?

Correct..as IFR replacements.. AI and DG only for now...

But the CDI, which will indicate when connected to a panel GPS, is not (yet) an IFR approved CDI.

The HSI function is not (yet) a legal stand alone, and cannot be used to replace a presently installed legal HSI.

Correct..as IFR replacements.. AI and DG only for now...

But the CDI, which will indicate when connected to a panel GPS, is not (yet) an IFR approved CDI.

The HSI function is not (yet) a legal stand alone, and cannot be used to replace a presently installed legal HSI.

I imagine the ARCINC-429 support in the promised APA-10 add-on hardware interface will be the key to the CDI/HSI certification (and will also let it work with ILS). That's a bit of a ways down the road, but it would make the AV-30 at least competitive with the GI-275 for me.
I received mine today. Read online install manual and will be installing it to replace an ailing AI. It looks like a very simple install and I will need to round up some tubing and T’s for pitot/static connections first, my a&p doesn’t have any in stock. I powered it up on my work bench and am concerned about an audible electronic squeal coming from it. I may check with uavonics about it before I stick it in my plane. It’s a lot like the noise that a lot of electronic devices make but I would not want it showing up on my radio’s. For now I was just going to connect it bare bones you might say. Some day, maybe at annual I would like to install an oat but need for AI so that come first.

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