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uAvionix (Aerovonics) AV-30 Certified - $1,995

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I read more about people having trouble with their avionics here than with vacuum systems.
They're different kinds of problems. It's normal and expected for a vacuum pump to need replacement every few hundred hours, just like brake disks, altimeter recalibration, DG overhaul, AI overhaul, etc.

Glass fails less often, but when it does, it tends to cost lots of AMUs and downtime, so we hear about it here on the list. Also, a failed PFD is a huge deal compared to a single failed steam gauge or two. It's almost as if we're choosing our poison between a bigger chance of "partial panel" with steam gauges, or a much-smaller (but still real) chance of "no panel" with glass—unless the pilot flying behind glass has been unusually disciplined about practicing with that minimal set of old backup steam gauges pushed out of the way to the edge of the panel.
.I called and spoke with them as I like the idea of not so much panel real-estate being used with the Garmin G500 or TXI. Problem is the AP interface for the 3100 and several others will not be available anytime soon. :( Looking at the G275 but same issue for now.
I would say the shop is saying this because they are not making much money off of them , I’ve heard this before , time will tell the quality of the unit . They look like a great alternative
The guy at the avionics shop said that this product was garbage and he won’t install them. Not sure if it’s because he can’t make enough money on it or if he actually thinks that. But I bought the stratus esg transponder with adsb too. My a and p friend can install it and got me a good price from spruce, almost the same as uvonix. Seems like a better option.

Really a competing dealer trashing his competitors? No... I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!
I read more about people having trouble with their avionics here than with vacuum systems.
I read a lot of fake news, while facts go unreported. People know that vacuum systems fail. So why bother complaining about it? In the past 10 years I've had 4 vacuum instrument failures and two vacuum pumps failure.

Let's break that down into facts, shall we?
Pump life expectancy: 5 years max. (rated for 500 hours so this is accurate).
Gyro life expectancy before overhaul: about 3 - 4 years. If they don't fail completely.

And next you are going to tell me that my iPad is more reliable. Sure. When it doesn't shut down ForeFlight unexpectedly, lock up due to overheating, or fall off its mount. All three have happened to me in IFR.

So, more or less reliable? I'd take my chances on a uAvionics over the alternative of doing nothing. If you don't like this answer, by a Garmin.
The guy at the avionics shop said that this product was garbage and he won’t install them. Not sure if it’s because he can’t make enough money on it or if he actually thinks that. But I bought the stratus esg transponder with adsb too. My a and p friend can install it and got me a good price from spruce, almost the same as uvonix. Seems like a better option.


And he has seen/installed/used how many ? Especially since they are not available yet!?

I would treat this guys opinions now and in the future with a grain of salt.....


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