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Turbo Aztec cabin door lockout

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Jan 19, 2017
Reaction score
At the last static check, the avionics shop locked itself out of my '73 Turbo Aztec. I was able to get them in by using a long broom handle through the pilot's vent, releasing the copilot's vent, and reaching inside to the lock and handle. Now the outside latch handle is stuck - as if it were locked, but the lock barrel turns just fine with the key. Any thoughts? I have the inside door panel off, but I can't see the mechanism worth a damn and it looks really complicated.

I'm trying to decide whether to take off the door at the hinges so I can lay it on a table. Wonder what's the best method....take the bolts out that hold the door to the hinges? Get at the hinge pins and take them out? I wonder if maybe turning the key isn't completely releasing the latch. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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