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transponder change not required for ADS-B

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Apr 13, 2010
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Before resigning yourself to replacing an old but working transponder as part of an ADS-B upgrade, consider UAT's that work with your existing transponder. Some require a WAAS source, and some have WAAS built-in.

So if you have a decent digital transponder like the King KT76C, Garmin GTX327, GTX330, or the Terra TRT250D, you might want to keep it and install a UAT as your ADS-B solution. It will likely be the least expensive solution.

The prices of the above listed transponders have dropped significantly since the release of the Garmin GTX345 series. If you have an older, non-digital transponder, now is the time to pick up a bargain on one of these units, install it with a UAT, and save your money for the WAAS GPS you really want. I've done several swap outs already, and the prices of UAT's will continue to decline as more competition comes out ahead of 2020.

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