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Transponder advice

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Sep 19, 2020
Reaction score
Howdy. I'm looking for a little guidance and advice for a new transponder. Mine has been intermittent, but it appears to have finally given up the ghost. The last few flights, tower has asked me for a reset right after take off. The other day, they weren't able to see my alt after several resets and idents. I currently have a King KT76TSO*, ACK A-30 encoder, and a SkyBeacon ADS-B. I would like to upgrade to something digital, but not really interested in brand new top-a-the-line (read $$$$). I'm wondering if there is a benefit regarding install complexity (costs) to stay with King, or would a Garmin unit be about the same to install. For the King I was looking at a KT76C ($), KT70 ($$), or a KT 74 ($$$). For the Garmin I was looking at a GTX327 ($), GTX330 ($$) or GTX 335 ($$$). I know Garmin is rather proprietary in their compatibility with other makes, so is there a benefit to staying with a King? Or would the install complexity and cost be about the same regardless of manufacture, so just choose the one I could get the best deal on? And to add, I am not by any means limited to the units that I listed. If anyone has insight to a better/cheaper/easier transponder, or has a good one for sale, I am all ears.

Any education and insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

*note that this is the original King KT76TSO version, NOT a KT76A. So a 76C or a 78 is not a slide in replacement. Pretty much any transponder I choose to have installed is going to require at least some rewiring.


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