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To Keep, Sell or Add Partners

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Nov 15, 2019
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
I'm retiring very soon and relocating to primarily Dayton, OH from Northern VA. I'm trying to determine the best way to go with the Arrow III. As I see it I have three choices: keep, sell, add partners.

If I keep it, I really won't have the funds to fly it much and the fixed costs w ill make it too expensive to fly in pretty short order. Conceivably, I could could keep it for about 2 years; however, I would not be able to do some upgrades I'd like to do. The plane is plenty capable enough as is, but I would like more. I likely would not fly the plane enough, which is not good for it. Plus there are more capable planes in flying clubs that I could fly for less. The one advantage is I would not have to get on a schedule to fly it.

Selling in the current market looks like I would recover all my ownership and operating costs. It would put a lot of cash in my pocket that I could use for a lot of flying or other things. The disadvantage is I'd be back to scheduling airplanes either in flying clubs or from FBOs.

Adding a partner or 2 would really cut the fixed costs while the operating costs would remain the same. The plane is already in an LLC so it would be simple to add members. With 2-3 total pilots, scheduling is not really much of an issue and the plane would get plenty of hours. Getting good partners is the key though. Upgrade costs get split 3 ways and we could make it a really nice, capable ride.


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