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The Summer Trip Part 5

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2013
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Sorry for the delayed posting!

Day 8

Today was relaxation day. We are staying at a comfortable Airbnb home in St. Paul suburbs. We have the entire house, and it is in walking distance to a grocery store. We went to the farmer co-op store this morning to purchase food for breakfasts and dinners through Saturday morning plus lunch for today. Such good quality food. All locally sourced. Very cool.

After lunch, we walked to a brewery. What a cool place. You "brew-your-own" using their equipment. They had several recipes from which to choose.
We could also buy beer that they brewed already.

Then we hung out at the house for the rest of the day. We accomplished our goal for a relaxing day.

Day 9
Today was more exploring. My wife really wanted to see Mall of America. So we booked an Uber car and made our way to the mall. This place is huge! Four floors of shopping and eating, plus an amusement park and an aquarium. We made it most of the way around the first three floors before I needed a break.

Day 10
Today was a day to troubleshoot the transponder. I did not know it yet, but the 40+ year old unit was on it's last legs. A fellow Comanche driver, Hans, picked me up at out BnB and took me down to the airport. We pulled the unit and gave it a quick cleaning. I took it to WipAir, located there on the field, but alas pretty much everyone had left for Oshkosh and no one was left to do any diagnostics.

Day 11
Travel day from St. Paul Minnesota to New Holstein, WI. Visiting with our friends Cindy, Michael, and their family.

The departure from St. Paul was a bit of a challenge. We used almost the entire runway and then wobbled a bit at about two hundred feet as we caught some turbulence from the trees. It scared me just a bit, but all good.


The flight over to New Holstein was uneventful. Easy route.

We flew just north of Oshkosh trying to stay well clear of all the activity. I tuned into the tower frequency and those controllers were in rapid-fire mode barking out landing instructions as a stream of planes came in.

Flying past Oshkosh is really a pretty route. There is a big lake just east of the Whitman airport and our descent path took us right over it as we lined up for landing in New Holstien.

Unknown to me, but I should have remembered, the Piper Cub association has their camping event the same time as Oshkosh. So 8D1 was very busy with lots of NORDO (No Radio) air traffic. The biggest surprise was when I landed on the east-west grass runway 4.

Seems the team was out there just past the north-south runway 14/32 setting up for the STOL competition. My Comanche cannot land in as little space as a Cub so I needed most of the runway. The cubs were able to stop before reaching the intersection with the north-south runway. I was moving a bit faster and could not stop that quickly. Fortunately I saw them in time and eased off to the side of the runway and rolled past them. No NOTAMS nothing about people and equipment in the runway. Ugh.


We stayed here a few days and got a great experience of small town life. We even got to attend a local parade and sample lots of cheese. So much cheese.

More to come! Say tuned!

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