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The FAA is not qualified to do this

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Jan 25, 2013
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I was just talking to a controller on the DFW pilots' forum about why I don't get GPS sids and stars that I file.

Here's the answer...

As a controller I see this quite often, even in the business jets. There are 2 main issues. The new GA RNAV (GPS) SIDs are east and west only, north and south remain conventional, unless you are a jet departing DFW or DAL. They were developed to follow the "floating" fixes for the different flows based on DFW. This will change back to a single fix soon for both flows because ERAM can't issue conflict alerts for aircraft off of different airports on the RNAV SIDs. Yep, it's a computer problem.

Second, is that pilots are not filing the correct information in the ICAO settings of their flight plan. So you are /G or /L, but did you check all the correct boxes? Did you list all the correct equipment in under the equipment section? Did you select a RNAV 1 equipment capability separately? If you manually file, did you tell the briefer to put in NAV/ RNVD1A1 in Field 18?

It really is like a giant algebra equation to get the equipment suffix correct and be assigned the RNAV routes.

Here is the quick guide the FAA provided for controllers, though most don't care enough to fix it for you, or really understand it.
FAA ICAO Controller Quick Guide

In short what I have found is the following is required for ERAM (the center flight processing computer) to get RNAV departures
Field 10 -
----Need "R" with the rest of your equipment
Field 18 -
----NAV/ RNVD1 (adding A1 will get you RNAV arrivals if available)
----PBN/ D1 2, 3, or 4 (this says that you have RNAV 1 capabilities)

Just use this as a guide of course, and always file what you really have the capability for.

So I looked all of those up and applied his guidelines.

The answer is?

For 2 boxes in my airplane's panel I need to file 11 different equipment codes.

As stated in the thread title, I've now developed the informed opinion based on experience that the FAA and EASA are not qualified to do this. They need to trash all these delusions of grandeur they have about 'modernization' and contract Google or Apple to come in and do it for them.

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