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The 76 Archer II made me proud...

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Dec 13, 2021
Reaction score
My 76 Archer II has a UL of 1025 lbs on paper.

In practice, I fly it at no more than 900 lbs -- and usually well below that. -- had a scary takeoff in the summer at 6000' DA at near gross, early on in ownership that made me shy to fly heavy. -- but that was years ago.

On monday we flew at 975 lbs .. just 50 lbs shy of max, on a cold winter day (Departing Spokane, WA). -- The little Archer had no trouble getting off the ground, and got us up to 10k (still doing 200 to 300' / min at 10k).

Pretty impressed, that was 3 people onboard, full fuel, and about 90 lbs of luggage .. loading it all was a bit of a puzzle to stay within CG, but it penciled out.

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