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Steering Bungee for 1976 Piper Archer (PA28-181) Old vs New?

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Mar 1, 2024
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I'm a newer plane owner (coming up on my first year in March 2024). First post here.

I had bad wheel shimmy recently. My A&P saw a broken shimmy dampener rod and thinks the steering bungees are loose (especially one of them - can't remember which). He ordered the rods, but he said mine uses an older bungee. They are ridiculously price (rods are $2000 and bungee are $5000 each). There are not even two bungees in stock (there's 1 right now).

Is there any documentation to be able to use the "newer" rods? I've Googled, but I can't find anything useful. What a PITA this has become.

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