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Stec 30 and Garmin 530 ILS tracking off course

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Mar 14, 2017
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Hi all,

I've got a Piper 180 with a 530 (non WAAS) and an STEC 30. I'll try my best to explain how I think this is wired up.... (This is how it was when we bought the plane)

The autopilot only tracks any sort of navigation in heading mode, when turned on it will follow the heading bug on the course indicator, when I press the "GPS" button on my panel (totally separate from the STEC and Garmin), the autopilot will then follow GPS guidance. It will track turns, etc. It also will fly a GPS approach flawlessly.

BUT, if I leave autopilot on, and try flying an ILS approach it will not keep the needle centered. It wants to fly parallel of the course to the right about a 1/2-1 mile, outside the donut but not fully deviated.

I was always under the assumption that when the Garmin was showing "VLOC" it was using the CDI needle to fly the approach, it seems as if maybe it still uses GPS location the fly the approach even in VLOC mode? It's just weird it wouldn't be right of course any other time.

The high and lo track do not track anything that we've figured out in any combination. If it is going off GPS location only even in VLOC mode, I don't know why they didn't wire the high/lo to nav #2 that way VOR and ILS/LOC would be flown that way.

I guess to answer my question, does it try to fly an ILS using GPS location, if so how can I get this to track the actual approach? I haven't actually tried to use it on an ILS approach since last year and it flew it flawlessly. Tried yesterday a couple of times and it was off course. Any insights?

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