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STEC 20/30 autopilot and vacuum failures

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Following from a discussion that hijacked another thread on this forum, I've confirmed that there are no mentions in the STEC 20/30/30ALT manual that you need a working heading indicator to use VOR/LOC/GPS tracking. That means that after a vacuum failure, the modes should be like this:

Stability (wing leveller with turn bezel): OK
Heading: U/S
LO-pass tracking: OK
HI-pass tracking: OK
Altitude hold (STEC 30 only): OK

Even if you messed up and tried to track the bug in the DG, at worst you'd end up in a rate-one turn until you realised what was happening.

I realise that the cheaper, rate-based STEC APs have their disadvantages (like not being able to intercept, and not tracking a glideslope), but it seems like they'd really shine in a partial-panel situation.

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