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Static RPM

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Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
Ok, I have posted about this before but have new information. I have a 1965 Cherokee 180C. The stock prop was made by sensinich, but there was an STC approval for a McCauley prop that can be used in place of the sensinich, this McCauley prop also removes the rpm limitation of the a3a engine I'm running. My static range is 2275 to 2450. On static check, my tach shows im getting right under 2300 RPMs. I checked it yesterday with a digital tach, which showed im getting 2280 RPMs at static. Of course as i start my take off roll, it goes up to about 2400-2450.
In flight, I never have to back off of the throttle to prevent redline at 2700. I usually max at 2550-2650 at level flight.

a) do these sound like bad numbers?
b) could the prop be causing these numbers (pitch etc)
C) how do I know what pitch my prop is?

Basically, would these numbers cause any of you any concern?

Thanks so much for the help in advance.

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