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Sig TranscomII Aux Audio to GoPro audio In

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2010
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I've asked the place I purchased my GoPro from, Sigtronics tech support, and GoPro tech support, but don't know any better now than I did when I first posed the question. I want to capture the audio from my intercom while recording inflight videos.
I don't have the 3.5mm to micro USB adapter needed from GoPro yet, but will by Thurs... so I guess I'll find out soon enough if it works. I'm just puzzled why neither Sigtronics nor GoPro was able to provide an answer. I just wondered if anyone here has done this, and/or knows if it will work or will it damage anything if not-
I was told by the place I ordered the GoPro that all I needed was a 3.5mm cable to connect the Transcom II Auxilary Audio Out to GoPro's 3.5mm/micro USB adapter, which plugs into the GoPro's Audio In.
Here was Sigtronics answer:
We are not familiar with equipment you describe (GoPro Hero 3)
Our auxiliary output is a line level output that was designed around the
original analog camcorders. It is a single channel output (mono).
I am not sure if this will work into the microphone input of the GoPro.
Try to find out if you have a line level input to the GoPro or if the microphone
input will accept line level.
And GoPro's answer:
Thank you for your question. Here is what we recommend using with a 3.5mm sterio microphone for the hero3 http://gopro.com/camera-accessories/3-5mm-mic-adapter. Here is a video of an individual using the adaptor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtSgKHu7NgI (the black in the video in an effect he added in).

I already responded to GoPro's response, since it did not even remotely address the question I asked (which was the question that Sigtronics asked of me).
Thanks in advance.....
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