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Saratoga Fuel leak?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
I left Edmonton with full fuel last night, and the OAT was M32 C Switched tanks part way through and burned about 15 gallons off each side of the 102 useful. It was late getting in so I parked outside overnight and had the FBO pull it into my rented heated hangar space in the morning. Overnight it was minus 40C with a wind chill of M43. I went out to the hangar to my warmed up Saratoga and all looked well, until I looked out where it was parked and see a patch of fuel in the snow about a foot and a half round. This was port side outside of the left main tire.

I looked under the wing and there was a dried fuel streak that appeared to come from the outboard tank, about 1/2' X 1'. It was dry and was not streaked rearward as it would be from air under the wing. It was when parked. I checked the fuel drains and no issues seen there.

There is plenty of fuel in the tank, and no external definitive evidence of where the fuel came from. This doesn't make much sense as the tanks are not rubber and they are sealed metal, so why this one time leak and the cold OAT caused something? I am not going to do much about it unless someone had a similar deal and can chime in. I think it is cold related but makes little sense. Is there O-rings on the fittings between the 2 wing tanks? Cold related? Thoughts please.

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