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S-Tec 55X issues

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May 21, 2022
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Good evening all. Hoping I can get some wisdom from those of you more experienced in these issues.

06 PA-32R-301, Avidyne Entegra, dual 430W, S-Tec 55X.

The autopilot will not capture altitude in ALT VS mode. It will attempt to level off with pitch but will not trim nose down to capture. Once airspeed increases approx 15kias above climb speed, the nose will start to rise. Disengaging the AP results in a rapid nose up pitch.

To capture altitude in a climb, AP must be disengaged, reengaged in NAV or HDG, trim adjusted manually for desired airspeed, and then ALT engaged.

Pitch wheel is unable to be manipulated by hand without significant effort while AP is armed.

AP is able to auto-trim nose down, but its ability to fly a coupled approach without pilot intervention is degraded. However, appropriate pitch up functionality has been observed sporadically in APR mode.

Thanks in advance.

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