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Rigging Procedure to correct heavy wing

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2017
Reaction score
My PA-28 140 flights a little right wing heavy. With only myself flying, I need to run the R tank 5-7 gallons less than L tank to completely balance the plane. If I have a co-pilot, I shoot for 10 gallon imbalance.

I had the rigging checked by my mechanic, he bolted a bar to the underside of the wing and both flaps were very close to each other. Bu he said if I wanted to fix it, he could lower the right flap.

I refused, since that will add drag and would rather correct by adjusting fuel balance. I asked if he could instead raise left flap, he said that's against procedures.

Make sense, but if all you ever do to correct rigging is to lower flap, eventually your flaps will end up sticking out into the slip stream.

Is there a way to reset the flap rigging position to "zero"?

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