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RG troubleshooting

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New Member
Oct 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hello all,
Quick intro, Army Chinook instructor pilot/test pilot transitioning to the airlines. I bought a Piper Lance 2 to get some ratings in and time build, hopefully to keep forever. However, having to make some repairs due to the nature of the aircraft status. New prop, exhaust, sudden stoppage inspection etc. I have my FW ticket, but primarily fly a fixed gear helicopter, but the importance of RG is not lost on me. So I came here to get the opinions of people more knowledgeable than me.

Official story is on landing, with presumably 3 green, the nose landing gear retracted, allowing the nose to settle on the ground. I have been doing as much reading as possible in the maintenance manual, forums etc. trying to determine what the failure might have been. So far all I can gather is, if the landing gear is down and locked, represented by the 3 green, there is no way for the landing gear to retract save for a structural failure (there appears to be none) or inadvertent LG switch placement in UP position while the AC is still light on the wheels (squat switch not true). Am I off base or missing something? I go to pick up the plane soon, and don't want to risk a new prop/insurance claim due to the landing gear just to have an identical failure. The plan is to fix it, fly back gear down and then put it up on jacks, but other than checking switches, springs and gear swings, I don't know what else to check. Thanks in advance!

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