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Replaced your electric fuel pump?

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Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
My electric pump is factory, and so it is now 35 yrs old, 4000 hrs on the airframe. My electric pump is in series and upstream from the engine driven pump, it is conceivable that a blown electric pump could fail the engine driven one. Then of course, there is the issue of a second failure, and your engine is starved of fuel. Sure, it doesn't get much use, and seems to be running fine, but if I couldn't start it up on the ground, I would probably abort the flight -- if away from home that would be a nuisance.


These pumps are about 1 AMU, but labor to replace them is small. Anyone replaced their electric fuel pump, "on time", for similar considerations?

Just thought I'd throw the question out.

* Orest

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