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Reno to Denver. How would you go?

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Mar 14, 2019
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I’m planning on going to the Reno Air Races this coming week & then going to Denver. I fly a Turbo Lance & am based in Albuquerque so I’ve got a good bit of time logged flying around the Rockys. I‘ve plotted multiple routes both southerly & northerly to basically fly around the rock pile & then get to Denver flying on the east side of the front range. Am I foolish to consider a more direct route that would require transversing some high peaks & mountain passes? I have a route flying NE out of Reno to avoid the MOA’s & restricted areas & then turning east & doing a fuel stop at Wendover, Ut. KENV. west of Salt Lake. Next would be a climb to 15500 continuing generally east bound to Rollins Pass west of KBJC, Rocky Mountain Metro. I’m considering such a route if the weather is good vfr with winds >20.
What do you all think? Any thoughts, suggestions & routes are much appreciated! Thanks,


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