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Recommendation. Upgrade or wait till it breaks...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
Reaction score

Looking for some honest feedback. During a night flight this week I noticed the display on my old Narco Com 810 was beginning to fade. I confirmed the photocell was beginning to fail after shining a flashlight on the unit. This will be the second time in 5+ years I've had to repair the radio. Not a big deal and this is the only issue I've encountered in the 10 years since owning the plane. I scheduled a repair but then started thinking if it makes sense to upgrade to a new audio panel and radio. I have done some research on the GMA-345 and PMA 8000BT and certainly like the newer features such as telligence, stereo audio and playbacks. Not that these are really critical for flying. So my questions are:
  1. Is there any sense in doing this upgrade now or just wait to one or both of the units fail?
  2. Can I just upgrade my Narco CP 135 to a new audio panel or does the Narco Com need to be upgraded as well?
  3. I've read a lot of great things about the PMA 8000BT. Can anyone make a recommendation for Garmin's Com?
  4. On average how long (in shop time of course) does it take to do this upgrade? The plane just came back after being down for 2.5 months for full interior upgrade. I would hate for it to be down again for a long period of time.
I appreciate all of your time and insight.



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