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Radio transmitting problem

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Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Garmin 430W Comm1
Narko MK12D TSO Comm 2
King KA134 TSO audio panel

Last thursday at the end of a routine flight I didn't think anyone was talking to me in the pattern even though I was making my calls. (I could receive just fine-with Comm1 I can hear radio calls from an airport 70 miles away that's on the same frequency).

Today, on the ramp, a plane was talking to me and I could hear them just fine, but they couldn't hear me on the Garmin (Comm 1). I tried the Narco (Comm 2) and they said they could barely hear me, transmission was garbled with lots of static. I pulled out my handheld radio and departed the area and called over to the nearby towered airport for radio check. Comm 1 I received no response. Comm 2 got the same response as before, barely hear me, garbed, and static.

Flew back and went to the hangar. Cleaned the radio jacks. Got my spare headset and did radio checks in both pilot and co-pilot sides with the same results on both pilot and co-pilot sides using both headsets.

Thoughts on what is causing this issue before I call the avionics shop?


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