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Question about flap limiting speeds - PA28R-201T - Turbo T tailed Arrow

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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2017
Reaction score
A question for all you Piper Arrow gurus.....

Our flight school runs a T tail Turbo Arrow IV and I am curious about the 108 knot flap limiting speed in the POH. That's relatively low for all 3 stages.

On a personal note I own (in a group of 5) a Seneca 5. In the Limitations section of the POH the flap limiting speed is also fairly low - 113 KIAS, and I think perhaps 107 in some older Seneca's. But in buried in a paragraph of Section 4b (Normal Procedures - Amplified) we find that Flaps 1 (10 deg) can be deployed up to 140 KIAS, Flaps 2 (25 deg) up to 120 KIAS and Flaps 3 (40 deg) up to 113 KIAS. So the sped stated in the Limitations section, for the Seneca V, only applies to Flaps 3 (40 deg).

So I went looking for the same wording in the relevant section of the POH for the Arrow - and it isn't there. It specifically states that max flap deployment speed is 108 KIAS.

We use our Arrow for some IR training and we like to try and keep consistency of SOP's for the IR students. For the Seneca we tend to teach them to deploy Flaps 1 when being vectored onto the final approach track (to allow them time to re-trim and settle the aircraft down, then Flaps 2 and Gear just before 'top of the drop' (on the final approach track but just before Final Approach Fix), then Flaps 3 when on short final, visual and committed to land (assuming it will not destabilise aircraft if approaching to minima).

The 108 KIAS flap limiting speed doesn't preclude this, but it does mean slowing the Arrow to under 108 KIAS fairly early in there approach phase.

I have in my head somewhere that later Arrows did have the capability to deploy flaps in stages at higher speeds and allow a controlled deceleration round the IFR 'pattern'.

Does anyone have any insight as to why the limiting speed for flap deployment in the Arrow is (relatively) so low (for 1st and 2nd stages)?

Not that we can rewrite the POH......


Paul Sherry

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