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Question About Carb Heat & Carb Ice Detectors

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
Reaction score
I've mostly flown fuel injected planes but now that I bought a Dakota I have a couple of questions about carb heat. I know the POH says to use Carb Heat only when needed which could be when you notice (drop in MP) carb ice during cruise/descent... Now I've gotten in the habit of turning on Carb Heat on every descent as part of my CGUMPS and then remove carb heat on short final (to be ready for a go around). I do this because I've read that by the time you notice carb icing during landing it would likely be too late for carb heat to be effective. On the same token I've also read that adding carb heat could increase the chances of carb ice in colder temps so now I'm wondering what you all do.

Also - I have a JPI 830 and one of the probes that could be added is carb temp. Is carb temp better/same/worse than one of the actual carb ice detectors?

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