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Question about how to interpret the data from the JPI EDM Carb temp probe.

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Dec 13, 2021
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I just picked up my pa28-181 after an install of the JPI EDM 830, and i had them put in the carb temp probe.

In flight the temp probe reads about 10-15 F at cruise. (1 flight worth of data)

On approach if i turn on carb heat, the reading rises as expected.

Question is how do you use the information on to decide when you need carb heat. would you add carb heat if descending anytime that the carb temp was < XX F ?

My current SOP is to run Carb heat anytime that i‘m descending or on approach and the temp is < 10C and there is visible moisture. I guess i can continue using this rule, but was thinking that the probe would help me add decide to add carb heat under other conditions?

thanks for the info in advance.

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