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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
If your looking for motivation to do this be aware some of the condition of the vent hoses can be checked without any disassembly.

1. Locate vent tube & small hole behind it.

2. While covering the small hole; blow in the tube ( a piece of tubing might help)

a. If you cannot pressurize tank the tube may be PLUGGED.

You will not be able to blow in.

3. If you can blow in but tank will not pressurize the vent hose are ruptured.

4. If you can pressurize the tank & when you release pressure the air & fumes come OUT you know the vent

system is intact.

Since waiting for parts results in more downtime than actual labor hours does here are some pointers up front:

The fuel hoses WILL need replacement.

Why reassemble for a year or two?

With planning; your A & P can replace the hose & reuse the fittings.

$5.00 hose cost & 15 minutes.

Or have new hose assemblies on hand.

About 50% of those I look at have a leaking or seeping Fuel Sender gasket.

Another good thing to have on hand.

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