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PIREP: SiriusXM Tour 360L Radio

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Oct 22, 2011
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(KGAI) Gaithersburg, MD
I recently decided to upgrade the Onyx Plus XM receiver in my Warrior to the new Sirius XM Tour radio and wanted to share my experience. The Tour will fit the old XM cradle for Onyx Plus with no problems but offers several features that will make it a good radio for use in your plane.
  • First, it is larger than the Onyx and offers a touch screen selection now. It has a color display.
  • It still works with a remote but the remote is unique for the Tour so you will need to get the right remote. I have a couple of remotes so passengers can select the channels they wish to listen to listen to without bothering me. (Remotes are around $10).
  • The radio now offers Bluetooth so you will not need an audio cable to your audio panel if yours supports Bluetooth. If not, just run an audio cable to your audio input jack.
  • You can remove the radio and use it at home with a home cradle, an XM boombox, or in another vehicle. The one subscription covers everthing.
  • The XM antenna works fine from the top of the glare shield-just keep the magnetic base away from your compass. You do not need to mount it outside.
  • If you have a hotspot in your plane, you can listen to a number of internet based channels in addition to the XM satellite channels and can use voice commands which should work through your microphone but I have not tried this.
  • Although Sporty's now sells it, you can get better prices if you shop around. I got mine for $129.
  • SXM is now offering a $5/ month subscription for the first year with a free upgrade to premium service (for Howard Stern fans).
  • Power requires 12v so you may need to consult with your avionics shop if you have 24v on your plane.
The only negative so far has been the slow boot time which now takes over a minute to start up. I can share my installation guide if anyone wants to try it.

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