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PFD Centered on the Control Yoke or not?

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Nov 3, 2024
Reaction score
I have a big decision to make here...

Getting a full new Garmin suite with G3X installed. Big question: Do i want the G3X centered on the yoke? Because of the supports in the instrument bay it is much easier to have the G3X off center to the right a little...but it seems like it would be strange to have this screen off center in the soup. However, having it off center to the right would center the the AI and HSI in line with the yoke (when in split screen mode)...so maybe its actually better off center? See the examples I found on the interwebs. For those of you flying either version... what say you?

Note that in either case I'm planning on leaving the center stack in the center...not moving it left.

Off center G3X
Yoke not centered.jpg

Centered G3X (Harder to do because there is a vertical support just left of the yoke)
Yoke Centered G3X 2.jpg

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