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PAR200B and IFD440: too many Nav eggs in one basket?

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Mar 5, 2017
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I am considering consolidating and upgrading my radio stack (KMA-20, MAC1700, IFD-440, KX-155) with a PAR200B and IFD 440. In the new proposed configuration, my audiopanel would contain a com2 but no nav, while the IFD would contain com1 and nav1. Is that too many eggs in one basket as all of my navigation would be housed within the IFD 440? I honestly don't think that this would be a practical issue because I do have a Stratux and iPad, because odds that the IFD would fail and ipad/Stratux malfunction seem infinitesimal. But I would like to get everyone's thoughts out there especially if anyone feels differently. I am mainly concerned that it would become an issue if I decide to sell the plane for whatever reason (not planned). Thanks!

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