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PA-28-181 wheel pants on PA-28-180?

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Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
I have an opportunity to purchase some main gear wheel pants from a PA-28-181 which has the brake assembly covered and I have a PA-28-180 with the original wheel pants. I understand (if I am correct) that the main gear fairing assembly for the 180 and 181 models are different in width (depth) which means there will be a gap at the top where the wheel pant assembly and the main gear fairing assembly meet just like the Fancy Pants from Laminar as shown in the attached photo:


My question: are the bolt patterns on the 180 and 181's the same so that I could bolt the newer style wheel pants directly to my 180?

Follow up question for the group to help me convince my mechanic: would this be considered a minor alteration since they both originate from the PA-28 series or would I be required to seek a field approval?

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