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Overhead Fresh Air Vents Useful?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hello fellow pilots. I have a question. Do you have a blower or ram air system that blows fresh air from the overhead cabin vents in your airplanes? If so, do you find the system useful? Do you use it much? Here's my situation.

My Arrow IV had an air conditioning system that was removed before I purchased the airplane. When the A/C was removed, they just simply removed everything minus the overhead cabin vents. They did not install a blower or a passive ram air system so no air comes out of those vents. I fly in South Florida so it does get warm in my cabin. Right now, the only air coming into the cabin in flight is from four floor vents. I have an air scoop in the little window on the pilot's side which I use while taxiing, and I leave the door cracked open until just prior to takeoff.

My mechanic suggested that we look for parts for either a blower system or a ram air system to give the cabin more airflow. I'm trying to determine if installing such a system in my airplane is worth the cost and work involved. Thus far, I've spoken with a local pilot who owns a Warrior. He told me he has the blower system in his plane but he never uses it. I asked him if air comes out of the overhead vents passively while the aircraft is in flight and he said he wasn't sure but didn't think so.

What do you guys think? Do any of you have these systems in your airplane or have any of you had a blower or passive ram air system installed?

Thank you in advance for your replies

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