I'm a student pilot, close to finishing. My instructor owns a Sundowner that is in need of an overhaul, but he tells me he doesn't have the money. He claims it flies now, but has a vibration issue. He's a high-time pilot and I trust him. Anyways, I intend to purchase something soon after getting my license, or before if I find the deal I want. So it struck me this morning on the way to work that if paid for the overhaul in return for partial ownership, it's a win for all parties involved. The annuals and maintenance cost him and I half, insurance is half, etc.. I have no idea what he might say to such a proposal, but the plane is just sitting there. A different set of eyes looking at this may find something wrong, but if I didn't mind being a partial owner of a Sundowner until it was mutually agreed upon to sell, it works out in both our favors. Opinions?