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OIL TEMP? ... discussion

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82' PA 28 RT 201T, T-Arrow based in So Cal
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2019
Reaction score
Santa Monica, Ca

Turbo Arrow guys, ... how are your oil temps running? Mine is consistently a bit low.

However, I no longer have the factory guages or probes supplying data. And my oil temp probe is now located at the front of the engine behind the prop. The factory engine gauges, all of them, were removed and a new Garmin GI 275 EIS was installed as primary instrumentation. The original factory oil temp sensor was located at the rear of the engine near the oil cooler and the varatherm. My oil temp is reported as about 160 F most of the time. Climb doesn't affect it much. I understand that a temp of 180 to 200 is generally preferred so as to evaporate moisture in the oil. Additionally, I am running the winterization plate to block a third of the oil cooler and even so, the temp remains about 160 F. I have removed the oil temp probe and checked it in hot water for accuracy. Seems ok. Maybe the varatherm needs adjusting?

Note: My cyl temps also generally run 300 F to 340 F (cooler than most I think) unless it's a very warm day at altitude and in a climb. This engine has always run cool. I'm just now trying to check out the oil temp issue.


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